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Are we going the right way? |
My comment on FIFA and The World Game which ran in today's Courier Mail (Brisbane's main newspaper for those outside the country). It's pay-walled for some reason but here's the full version anyway.
Click on the link if you like it to make your interest known.
Note, while this article concentrates on Messrs Blatter and Al-Hussein, two other candidates are running.
"Apparently, the big wigs of the World
Game are in town for the Asian Cup. At least two major contenders for
this year's FIFA presidential elections, Sepp Blatter and Prince Ali
Bin Al-Hussein, are here courting support, making deals, shmoozing
and maybe even watching a game. Given our fair land is the first
battle field of this vital moment in the future of the game, I
thought I might take the opportunity to have a word in their ear.
Sepp, Ali, lean in. Now, even within
its first few days, Asian Cup watchers have witnessed the magic
football can make. We've had Iran (Shia-led) v Bahrain (Sunni-led),
the former of which has been accused of fomenting an uprising in the
latter. A great, open match it was too. We've had the appearance of
North Korea and Iraq and we've seen the debut of Palestine, starring
players from the world's biggest refugee camp, Gaza.
The Palestine backstory is perhaps the
most dramatic of all the Asian Cup's 16 qualifying teams. But their
tale simply reflects the power of football to both inspire them and
to provide a vehicle to escape hardship. These stories are the
essence of a sport that many of us not only love to watch, but
believe can be more than a mere game.
Sepp, Ali, hear this: don't get
distracted by rights deals, shoring up support or with dodging
corruption charges.
A bouncing soccer ball can knock down
many walls.
But, boys – and you know this is true
- the sad fact is that many see world football as an over
politicised, over commercialised industry, defined by its elites,
characterised by the money it generates at the highest levels and
stained by corrupted and incompetent administration.
The awarding of upcoming World Cup
tournaments to Russia and to Qatar (the latter in preference to
Australia among others) has stained a body that has, since at least
the reign of Joao Havelange as FIFA President (1974-1998) can be
accused of making money for a few rather than magic for the masses.
Others too outside the FIFA circle,
such as major sporting goods manufacturers have also sought to rip
into the flesh of the game and take their meat from its flanks.
And to some extent lads, FIFA has let
this happen.
Take a look outside your boardrooms and
you'll see the real power of the world game.
It's in a red dust refugee camp just
outside Kigali, Rwanda.
A few years ago I was part of a media
delegation on a World Food Program food delivery to the camp, mainly
made up of those fleeing conflict in the Congo. It was dire place
with mud huts and dirt floors, rationed food and disease. But,
someone had brought along a soccer ball and the kids erupted. A game
broke out and the stuffy officials and earnest media were pushed
aside and real life took over.
I looked on and saw the real power of
the game to break down barriers. I glimpsed how it could bring joy to
desperate lives, how it could educate, exercise (and exorcise) minds
and bodies, bring hope, motivate. I saw something that gave these
kids a reason to live and that gave their parents a reason to believe
in their future.
We might see the real deal too in Gaza,
where I am aiming to facilitate programs that will give the kids
there the beautiful game unencumbered by the nasty adult games that
threaten to spoil their fresh, ever-smiling lives. In Gaza, kids have
seen more desperation than a handful of lifetimes should hold; more
frustration, more pain, more destruction, more injustice, more
sadness than kids in a country like Australia couldn't conjure in
their worst nightmares.
UNICEF recently told the world there
are some 1 billion children out there who are affected by war and
conflict. The body's child protection chief said, “It
sort of feels like the world is falling apart for children.”
For these kids, living with a deficit
of joy and hope and lacking even in belief in themselves under the
endless assault of politics upon their lives, soccer is a simple joy.
It is anti-politics, anti-power. It is for many their only light in a
world of adults that has failed them.
To you Sepp and Ali, I want to tell you
this is our game, and we're not selling. Moreover, it is our
legacy for the next generation of kids. Unlike us, if they chose to,
they can make soccer a vehicle for all that is good about humanity,
not a symbol for its weaknesses. Lets not let anyone take that
possibility away. Run on that ticket and I guarantee the world will
support you. Enjoy your stay."
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