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Rohingya Football Club Program Details

The Kick Project board has now reached agreement with the Rohingya Football Club, Kuala Lumpur, to proceed with the following program. 

We are now formally raising funds for the following program, which we aim to begin in January 2016.

Phase One:

Part 1

Aim 1: Provide full playing kit for the current Rohingya Football Club (RFC) squad. This includes: shirts, shorts, socks, shin-pads, boots, goalkeeper equipment

Aim 2: Fund a single playing space for football games. This includes paying fees on a designated municipal football field.

Aim 3: Fund Transport. This includes purchasing or leasing a minivan.

Part 2

Aim 1: To establish a “Ball Library”. This will be set up as a focal point for the RFC and also for the Rohingya community, with special focus on encouraging access for Rohingya children. Appropriate education initiatives (approved by both RFC representatives and The Kick Project via the Program Management Committee) may be conducted and/or promoted in the Ball Library premises;

Aim 2: To assess and consider the outcomes of Part 1 and to decide on whether these sub-programs will continue to be supported by The Kick Project as part of the Part 2 program.

Time Frame: 6-12 months

Intended Outcomes:


To increase number of games and regularity of games played by the RFC against Rohingya and non-Rohingya;

To increase the number and proportion of games played between the RFC and non-Rohingya teams;

To increase the numbers of spectators (Rohingya and non-Rohingya) at RFC games. Particular emphasis is to be paid to the attendance of Rohingya children;

To provide physical and social education initiatives in tandem with the RFC activities;

To increase the participation of Rohingya children in the activities of the RFC;

To increase, over the period of the program, visits to the Ball Library by Rohingya children;

To establish football-related means whereby Rohingya and non-Rohingya children can interact in safety and security.


To increase harmony and good relations with non-Rohingya communities in KL, particularly between children;

To increase participation for children in wider, non-Rohingya society through “football diplomacy”;

To increase favourable media coverage of the Rohingya in KL;

To increase social and community well-being among the Rohingya community in KL, with special emphasis on children;

To contribute to increased levels of safety and acceptance for Rohingya children to attend RFC games and to participate in sporting programs generally.

Phase Two:

After completion of Phase One and a determination of its outcomes, The Kick Project and the beneficiary parties will consider the following, as Phase II of the program:

Aim 1: A football league for Rohingya children (12-17) in KL

Aim 2: Culturally appropriate sporting activities for Rohingya girls in KL

Aim 3: Secure and safe means of transport for children to/from sports-related activities within KL

Aim 4: Appropriate education programs that might be attached to sporting activities

Outcomes and specifics will be devised when the program is designed 


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