Even as FIFA proves it can't hold its Blatter, other issues pertaining to its role as the global rule maker on a multitude of football competitions continue to bubble.
Kick Project doesnt have a view on veils as such, seeing it as a complex and essentially individual choice. We do feel that everyone has the right to wear what they want and to worship how they want - as long as it doesnt endanger or enrage others.
So, it is difficult to see a good justification for this FIFA decision.
We are aware of course of debates on this issue and state decisions in, for instance, France. And I am, co-incidentally, reading Orhan Pamuk's "Snow" which investigates the issue of veils and the issue of secularism versus religious fundamentalism.
Yet, do we need such debates in the world game right now? Is this FIFA's role? Seems like we're bleeding into moral and cultural decisions now and I am not sure we can allow FIFA, especially given its current travails, the trust to take an appropriate stance.
See also here for a firm view on FIFA's inappropriate meddling in this issue.
Photo Credit: MSNBC. Pic shows reaction of the team after the decision to force them to forfeit their Olympic qualifier against Jordan.
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